I’ve always wanted a blog, but I never knew where to start. What do I write about, how do I write it, why? Now it’s all clear to me. A blog gives you the space to come out and show the world the opinions you can give and the creative ideas you are capable of processing.

So what does it take to get out there and write a blog? Creativity, confidence… I would say INSPIRATION.  I thought I was inspired many times before but I never felt this specific level of inspiration until recently.

You may be wondering what you’re going to be reading on this blog of mine, so I’m going to go ahead and tell you! I have been experiencing brands and shopping a lot lately which lead me to realize my true personal identity. What I’m going to do is I’m going to blog and post about which brands I believe to be great as well as up and coming trends. How can this help you? Well, I’m always in a situation where I need to find answers or need a way around. For example: I’m not allowed makeup or nail polish where I go to school. I’m also always in a situation where I FIND answers. Therefore, I can give YOU these answers through my blog. Not only will I blog fashion, but will I blog life.

Hopefully, through all of this, you too will feel that you’re a part of this big fashion world that is growing to a monstrous size as well as this monstrous world.

Thank you, and keep reading! You never know what you will learn and how it will affect you.

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.