My Trip To South Africa


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“Don’t you know there are children starving over in Africa?” Many of us have been asked this rhetorical question at one point in our lives, most likely by someone who is intent on trying to guilt us into feeling bad for being selfish directly after we’ve made a trivial complaint of sorts. The question is, does being told about the existence of issues such as; starvation and poverty halfway around the world actually impact us in any way? Personally, I don’t think so. Watching commercials of families suffering in Africa, or hearing celebrities discuss their opinions on these world issues may motivate some people to make donations or to feel bad for a millisecond, but there is always a certain degree of detachment that remains whereby we, as individuals, can’t implicate ourselves in these situations.

When I was younger, I was gravely concerned that I was lacking some of the compassion and empathy that most people feel for others. Sure, I loved taking care of abandoned animals at the shelter and volunteering with less-fortunate kids at after-school programs, but for some reason I could never shed a tear for the atrocities and injustices certain people around the world are constantly experiencing. Yes, on the surface I was deeply saddened by extreme poverty, but returning to my comfortable home in downtown Montreal every night made it very easy for me to forget about those things and focus on other aspects of life, trivial things, such as what I wanted to do on the weekend, or what I wanted to eat for dinner.

All this changed over the summer of 2014. I pushed myself to sign up for a month-long teen community service trip to South Africa in the name of stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing things I could never expect to be doing here in Montreal. I must admit it, my first few days doing manual labor at an elementary school was nothing short of exhausting and discouraging. I had acquired a bad cold, couldn’t carry a cement-filled barrel for the life of me and was sick and tired of living in a hut, to be perfectly blunt. Then, a few days later, everything was put into perspective. We were volunteering at a pre-school, playing with the kids and teaching them words in English. Every few seconds little kids were running up to me, exclaiming words in an unfamiliar language, trying to show me they were excited and wanted to be interacted with. I immediately picked up this little girl and put her on my lap. Now, people have told me numerous times how lucky I am to have been born in a country as magnificent as Canada, and I would never doubt them. Yet, I never completely understood the implications of “luck” in the past. It was only after holding this shoe-less three year-old orphan in my arms and communicating with her through smiles and gestures that the tears started to roll down my face and I finally realized that shortly, I’d be going home and she’d be staying there to battle the obstacles imposed on her at such a young age.

The teen tour group, myself included, playing circle games with the kids in South Africa!

The teen tour group, myself included, playing circle games with the kids in St-Lucia, South Africa!

The message here is that shaming the people in your life about their lifestyle as a means of persuading them to think of others isn’t effective. The point is not to condemn them for having been born into a good living situation, it’s to get them out of their own headspace and push them to make the realization on their own that the outside world is chaotic, and sometimes unfair, and that all we can do on our end is create a future for everyone whereby equality and justice prevail. You don’t need to travel all the way to South Africa like I did to have an epiphany on the matter at hand, you just need to force yourself out of the bubble you’ve been confined to your whole life and learn how to empathize with those who are suffering right now.

-Arielle Supino

The Internal Confliction Of An Allergy Magnet


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I’m currently vegetarian, severely lactose intolerant, and allergic to egg whites, walnuts and pistachios. Although I realize that there are people out there with many more dietary restrictions, I’m constantly running into problems with my digestive system and struggle with its boundaries.

Now, it wasn’t always like this! In fact, I used to feel so lucky as a kid. I was basically a bottomless pit with a stomach made of steel. However, I was indeed quite picky. Milk, butter, margarine, cream cheese, or any white sauces in general were a no-no… they still are, actually. Totally gross me out! I hated fish and seafood (which I still stand by) and wasn’t really adventurous.

While this sounds perfect considering my current eating situation, I’ve gotta tell you, being forced to live without ice cream, yoghurt, cheese or any products that contain dairy or eggs (which is anything from most breads to all sweets) is torture for me. You see, before finding out about my allergies and intolerances, I was strongly encouraged by my doctor to really integrate more dairy and eggs into my diet. So, that’s exactly what I did. I became completely dependent on these foods, which only worsened my internal state.

I found out about the lactose issue a year ago, and the allergies two weeks ago. Somewhere deep down I always knew that something I was eating was destroying my stomach and causing my mouth and throat to burn, but I couldn’t put my finger on it until the tests came back. Why not take the Lactaid pill and continue to enjoy your precious dairy, you may ask? Well, for some reason, no matter how many I take, they never work. While it may be scientifically improbable for that to be the case, I know that no matter what I do, if I want to consume dairy, there will be dire consequences for me.

So, here are the choices I’m left with: continue to eat dairy and live with the symptoms, leaving my digestive system in a continuous cycle of turmoil AND turn a blind eye to my allergies, living with those symptoms as well, leaving me susceptible to acquiring more intolerances, allergies and worse problems. Or… I make a change, and stick to it. Hence veganism! I’ve cut dairy out before, but since then I’ve been slipping back into my old ways. SO, I’ve finally decided that it has got to stop, for the sake of my health and of being free from a life of being constantly uncomfortable. One week, and still going strong!

I’m currently trying out new recipes, reading up on veganism and learning from other people’s experiences. I’ll post about this journey as often as I can, so stay posted!

Love, fashion, and life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Why Hasn’t Society Accepted That We’re All Different By Now??


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“You are not unique.” Has anyone ever told you that? Maybe you’ve heard it from a college advisor, or someone with similar responsibilities? It’s a phrase used to somehow explain that there are so many people like you in this world, that you really need to do some extraordinary to stand out. I’m going to use it for different purposes, to further a point I really want to make.

Guess what, you are unique. Maybe not in terms of your academic achievement, or your sense of style, but definitely as an individual. You have a different shade of eye colour, skin colour and hair colour than pretty much everyone else. You have different characteristic traits and genetic coding than others. These are biological facts here people. So then why hasn’t society accepted that we’re all different by now?

We’ve seen throughout history that certain groups of people are constantly being targeted for various reasons. Some individuals believe that they aren’t meant to be here, that they go against what god wants, or that they are the reason things go wrong on this planet (their beliefs, not mine, BY THE WAY). People are allowed to express their opinions, but are they just in advocating on behalf of general acceptance, but banding against certain people? Why are they trying to corner the human race into becoming one main type of human being. As we’ve seen, that objective wasn’t met for many controversial leaders in the past…

We’re all different, none of us are identical. It’s impossible for us all to be in the same category, so than why try to make that happen? If the universe accepts all of us, then why should some of us be excluded on behalf of technicalities?

I wrote a short story about this in grade four that was chosen to be published in a magazine and online. If I find it, I will post it here, just to show you the point of view of a kid living in these times on this topic!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “If it brings me to my knees, it’s a bad religion”. It was said by Frank Ocean in his song, “Bad Religion“. What I get from it, is that Frank is trying to say that if he has to beg for forgiveness within a religion, then he considers it to be a bad religion, because it doesn’t accept him for who he is! (explanation of the lyrics found on: While this isn’t in direct correlation with the topic at hand, I feel that his music is very analytical and honest about many controversial ideas, and that his music has a genius quality to it.. GO CHECK HIM OUT IF YOU HAVEN’T YET!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.



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Over the summer, I read Memoirs of a Geisha. I had previously spent several years secretly trying to avoid going anywhere near classic novels. Why? I have no clue, they just seemed immensely boring and untouchable.

Being incredibly indecisive, I listened to the one suggestion the woman working at the bookstore had to offer, which was to purchase Memoirs of a Geisha, and went ahead and took her advice.

Memoirs of a Geisha Movie Cover

Can I tell you something?? The second I put that book down, I made firework noises. I actually sat there and pretended that there were explosions of colour and sound surrounding me in the air. That was the only way I could express the magic I had just experienced.

Where am I going with this? Okay, I’ll tell you. I had such a deep connection with that novel, I truly did. Which is why, when I was gallivanting throughout the town, putting up posters for a blood drive that is to be held at my school in the near future, seeing an asian girl with blue eyes who was beyond identical to the character in Memoirs of a Geisha was pretty crazy for me.

I was having trouble putting up one of the bigger posters as it was blowing in the wind and I couldn’t even see if it was placed properly. I saw her waiting at the bus stop, and before I knew it, she was helping me out. I didn’t ask her to. She started offering insight on the poster’s placement, and created light conversation. This didn’t feel natural to me, I am not really used to a complete stranger, especially at that age (she was a teenager), being so kind and helpful. It was quite the pleasant surprise, I must add. I kept feeling that she looked pretty familiar, and that’s when the blue eyes and facial structure came together in my mind. The whole event was pretty spiritual, I was inspired by the book, and then, more recently, inspired by an individual who pretty much represents the book.

What I got out of that experience, was that you can have a connection with someone you’ve never met before, and the gateway to that being a possibility is kindness, it’s a simple as that.

To quote Ellen Degeneres… BE KIND TO EACH OTHER!

Love, Fashion, and LIFE,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

New Year’s 2013


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I always feel so rushed on New Year’s Eve for some reason.

Last night, while watching a portion of the New Year’s Eve special on TV, I noticed that they were repeatedly bringing up New Year’s resolutions. I kept feeling as though if I didn’t think of one for myself before midnight, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything in 2013. That’s when I realized that there is so much hype surrounding the fact that you must find a goal and reach it at the start of the new year. What’s stopping any of us from doing just that at any point in time? What’s wrong with.. I don’t know.. the middle of June? Or even the end of October?

I completely understand that it is a motivation for many people to create a resolution for the new year, but I just wanted to bring up that for those who missed that opportunity, who feel like they can’t think of anything at the moment, or who’ve already broken their promise to themselves, that you can undergo a personal transformation whenever you feel like it!

Once I realized that it didn’t make a difference whether I found some resolutions before midnight or in two weeks from now, I slowed down and stumbled upon some small things that would be great to accomplish!

Happy new year!!

Love, Fashion, and 2013,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Back again!


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Wow, Where has the time gone? I haven’t written a post since July, which, believe it or not, was around 5 months ago. Do you know how much can happen in 5 months? Well, I’ll tell you. The answer is: a lot.

Due to the fact that time is melting away like butter in a measuring cup, spinning around in the microwave, and I have two tests this coming week, I’m going to keep this short and sweet. All I truly wanted to say is that I miss writing. In reading through my old posts, I’ve noticed that so much can occur in a day that is worth blogging about. Whether it be a kind stranger walking their dog, or a snow storm, we can all learn something from each person we encounter, and each moment we experience. 

That’s all I have to say… FOR NOW.

I’ll be writing more frequently, starting today!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

My Fortunes Told


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Today I am in Switzerland! But more on that later..

Instead of splashing right into why I am where I am, I’m deciding to write about my grandma’s ability to read fortunes. She can do so by analyzing the coffee stains left in the cup once the coffee has been consumed by the person. Some people don’t really believe in that stuff, but if you take a chance, gulp down that bitter black drink and wait to hear what’s in store for you, you will not doubt that there’s some truth to it.

My grandmother isn’t always very alert. I love her, but we rarely have full, clear, meaningful conversations. This is not only because of the language barrier, but also because her memory isn’t at its best. When I asked her to read my fortune, I wasn’t sure what I’d be getting in return. We don’t speak much, so she doesn’t really know the details of my life. Upon handing over my coffee stained cup, my Nonna got right in to telling me that I’d be meeting some new people and that at first I would have to be cautious, but that light (symbolizing trust and goodness) would be shining down on the situation. She also said that I am always very nervous, or apprehensive, and that I should trust the situations before me because my path is full of light. 

This was all funny because I am currently on a trip with TONS of new people and it’s sunny and bright out (light). What’s more is that I am also always nervous and stressed and that I should be able to trust my surroundings, especially on an independent adventure like the one I am living at this very moment.

I thought I would share this little story because it’s quite remarkable how intuitive my grandmother is, especially at her remarkable age of 92! I also wanted to pass on that the advice I got can be applied to anyone else as well.

Have an AmAzInG day and stay tuned for more on why I’m in Switzerland,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

I’m BACK! (What I’ll be doing this summer)


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Wow, it’s been a while since I last wrote on my beloved blog. There are many reasons for this unfortunate fact. Most of those reasons having to do with the time consuming concept that is school. So, what better way to come back to the world of web writing then to start off with a general description of what’s in store for me this summer?!

Here we go…

Most people become intensely lazy during the summer. They think, “I DESERVE to sit around and do nothing!” They believe this because, in part, they do. After slaving around like a maniac at work or at school for the longest time ever, who wouldn’t be entitled to some relaxation? I’m part of the “most people” group and I couldn’t be more proud!

After my final exam, I did some shopping, hung out with different people, then stayed in my house for a while without seeing the daylight. IT WAS BLISS. The only things that forced me to see the outside world were my pre-scheduled appointments with the dentist etc. I kept thinking, I’ve received the right to be a total couch potato. I totally enjoyed every minute of it.

In a week’s time, I’ll be going on a french immersion trip in Switzerland and France to earn credits and to see parts of the world I’ve only dreamed of. I can’t wait. Also, since I know that I’ll have to be active and alert throughout that month, I try squeezing every minute of sleep and nothingness that I possibly can into my current schedule. I will be writing posts of how it’s going, so stay tuned! ** I’m in the country right now, and will most likely be returning here right after my month-long trip.

Everything I have planned for these next few months ensures me that my summer will be calm, fun, educational, adventurous and awesome. I’m going to need to stalk up on all the memories I can so that I can get through the next school year.

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.



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Everywhere I turn I see this one color. It honestly makes my heart JUMP, I love it so much. I’m not being sarcastic and I’m not exaggerating. In fact, I’m super excited that it has become a major trend for this summer.

Can you guess which beautiful hue I’m referring to?


Gorgeous, ain’t it? Well, what are you waiting for? Stores would be insane not to carry it, which makes it very easy for YOU to find it 🙂

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade


Spring Break 2012 (travel diary # 10)


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Hey everyone!

Today we head back home! We had an amazing last day, though 🙂 My mom and I decided to enroll in a cooking class.. and my dad came along as well to taste our dishes with us! It started off with us taking a trip to a food market in Patong, where we were able to browse the selection of some of the freshest ingredients we’ve ever seen. I bought some beautiful sugar/coconut pastries, which were flower shaped.. pictures soon!

Then, we made our way back to THE COVE restaurant, at the hotel, and met the 3rd member of the class, her husband and her adorable little kid. They were extremely nice and we talked amongst each other quite a bit. Lemongrass juice, orange juice (which I chose) and water was waiting for me, while the same, minus the orange juice (you could choose whichever beverage you wanted) was waiting for the others. The chef, (our teacher) Sak, had made a menu complete with 4 dishes and 1 dessert for us, tailored to each of our specifications. For example, if I don’t eat meat, I will use vegetable stock instead of chicken stock etc… He was very patient, very creative and a great instructor. We even got a certificate and an apron at the end! Sak made us some palm sugar for us to take home, he was very thoughtful.


After being very full from all of that food, we packed up our stuff, changed and got ready to leave, we sent our bags off to the lobby and walked around. We knew we were going to miss Thailand! Checkout was at 6, and we were going to be taken to the airport at 11! On a spur of the moment decision, we went to the spa and asked if there were any availabilities. There were! We got a foot and leg reflexology treatment. Simply amazing and a great way to fit in some final relaxation. It’s really interesting how one pressure point on your foot can trigger things all over your body.

For our final meal in Phuket, we went to “Mare”, Centara Grand’s Italian restaurant. The person who showed us around on our first day told us it offered very tasty dishes… and she was right! I guess after having Thai food for two weeks, pizza, salad etc… are things we were kind of missing.

The guide who took us to the airport was extremely nice. I can’t tell you enough how nice Thai people are, I really can’t. She was so helpful, and it was really sad to say goodbye to everyone.

We were very exhausted and slept on the 5 and a half hour flight to Korea, from Phuket. We were very lucky, the last three rows of the enormous plane were free, so we  each took one, with permission from the flight attendant, and sprawled out.

Here we are, in Korea, waiting A FULL 7 HOURS for the next flight! This airport is amazing, it actually has every store you can possibly think of! I even found the Furla Candy bags that I wrote about in an earlier post. I’ve also tried some food and a Green Tea Frappuccino. On a side note, they have really cute brands of makeup here and I just had to buy a blush, it’s really unique 🙂 Below is a picture of Etude House, the brand from which I bought the blush!

I’ve finished a bunch of books at this point and am in no mood for a 16 hour flight, followed by another flight of 1 and a half hours. Oh well… home sweet home soon where I will be able to SLEEP!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade