Glitter Magazine, WINTER EDITION

Okay everyone,

I was finally able to see the interview I took part in and the piece I wrote spread across the magnificent pages of GLITTER MAGAZINE! It was a surreal experience seeing something I produced or took part in producing, in a magazine.

There is Lucy Hale (she plays Aria Montgomery on the hit TV series, Pretty Little Liars) on the cover. There’s an interview with her (among other amazing celebrities) inside.

As a freelance intern for Glitter Magazine, I was able to write a page about my top 10 songs including an intro and paragraphs. It’s all very exciting and I do encourage you to read it, you might find some songs you like! I basically put different genres on the list to appeal to everyone’s tastes 😛

These two pages were attributed to an interview on my friend Morgan and I who both attended the incredible Fashion Camp NYC. We were asked questions by the interviewer (Tes Howell) and… of course… answered them. I also encourage you to read this interview if you are interested in fashion and are either a TEEN or a TWEEN who would like to get experience in relation to the FASHION WORLD. It really helped me and it will help you.

To get some more info from an insider’s point of view, read my blog post about it:

I read the entire issue and I noticed that it provided many great tips for its readers. They even suggested buying: BABY LIPS (lip moisturizer) from Maybelline, which I am working on getting ASAP because it’s beyond inexpensive and effective.


Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Photo Credits:

The Glitter Mag photos were taken by myself 🙂

BABY LIPS pic: http://www.maybelline.con

Pandora Pandemonium

My new obsession is a part of my life thanks to my dad. A day before new-years (it was still 2010) I went up for a weekend to the country house and was welcomed by a little box. The little box is a universal symbol for jewelry. I opened it carefully, wondering what would be sitting inside. It was a champagne colored leather rope with a delicate heart charm hanging from it. That day changed my life. While everyone was obsessed with their expensive Links bracelets, I was sporting my new best friend, the iconic Pandora bracelet.

Recently, I’ve added on charms (and strangely found a charm that I had lost and wept over at the most random time), added a new bracelet to my ever-growing collection and started up a beautiful birthday wish list. Pandora pandemonium has commenced and it’s spreading onto other girls’ wrists. Who knew this would’ve all come from my dad’s gift.

I don’t know if anyone is able to tell, but I’m oddly excited about this trend in the making. I bought a purple bracelet for my friend’s birthday and she’s infatuated with it like I am.

Basically Pandora sells products that go from $25-$2000, which is such an amazing price range because anyone can get something from there that is gorgeous and will be a great purchase.

Don’t resist it, become a part of this PANDORA PANDEMONIUM 🙂

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Photo Credits:



Hey everyone!

It turns out that GLITTER MAGAZINE is not sold where I live… but never fear! I will get my hands on a copy and write a SUPER post about it 😛

The topic on the table today is SATURDAY. Friday, for me, was quite the excitement. Charms were added to my Pandora bracelet (a little dog that looks very much like my own and a rose with a mini-diamond in the middle of it), which I am adoring right now and a purple Kobo was delivered to me (let’s see how I handle it).

Friday was like my “don’t worry about anything, just shop and watch TV” day. But Saturday… well now that’s a different story. Here I sit, procrastinating, dressed in a baggy grey romper with my hair attached in a side ponytail and my face naturally enhanced by TARTE cosmetics. You could call it “comfy chic”.

SO tell me, if I was so happy on Friday, what does this wonderful Saturday entail? Me fussing about school and sleeping. In the nighttime I do have plans, but during the day?

This all sounds boring… and I can tell you’re waiting for my piece of advice to come in right about now… but sometimes it’s good to have “boring” (THE ADVICE WAS RIGHT ON CUE).

I have a crazy, hectic, busy life and on days where it’s time to bring my stress levels down and sit around, it’s hard to feel comfortable. However, these are the days that really help us along, never forget that. If you want to spend a few hours reading and you would like to tackle some things, why not do that? Even if you think you should be very productive during the day, what’s one day to yourself to relax when all the other days you’re going to be doing something?

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Photo credits:

Bracelet: taken on my lovely MAC laptop



As we all know, Halloween was yesterday! Although I thoroughly enjoyed “Trick or Treating” at an earlier time in my life, this year, with me on my road to recovery from pneumonia and all, it was about time for an unorthodox celebration of this wicked holiday!

Basically, during the day I paraded around as a dead princess, bought some major chocolate and what not… and closer to the evening time, my best friend and I got luxurious mani/pedis. When we got home, a freshly ordered mass of pizza and bread sticks were waiting for us, not to mention.. LEFTOVER CHOCOLATE!

It didn’t totally feel like Halloween, after all, it was pretty deserted where we were, what with people closer to the parts of town with neighborhoods and all. So it was us, the night and wet nails. However, the excuses we were able to give to load up on junk food got us into the spirit of this special day.

Just because you’re not following along with tradition (attending a special party, traipsing up and down the streets asking strangers for candy, giving strangers candy…) doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate and create your own fun. Don’t feel bad if you’re not everywhere at once doing what everyone else seems to be doing, it’s one day (for crying our loud) where you should be allowed to decide what should be happening for yourself! If that’s a party and trick or treating for you, so be it! If it isn’t, so be it!

On a side note, tomorrow is a special day! A new issue of GLITTER MAGAZINE is hitting the stands and it’s especially special because a friend and I have a feature in it! If things pan out, I should have a copy of it tomorrow and create a post about it. Either way, go check it out! It’s an awesome magazine (I’m not just saying that) and if you’re 15-25 years old or know someone who is.. or enjoy reading magazines that focus on that age group… go ahead and buy a copy, you’ll love it!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Photo credits:

Chocolate bars:


Nail polish I got for my hands (passion, OPI) :

Nail polish I got for my feet (don’t remember the name, possibly from the designer series.. OPI)


I know winter is… kinda far and unwanted! However, in online browsing, I’ve developed a desire for up and coming trends (I believe they are) that should be meant for winter. I’m going to name a material that I believe should be IN this wintertime and online places (stores) that carry nice articles made of this material!

VELVET! ADORING IT RIGHT NOW 🙂  It’s dark and haute-couture for the cold days ahead.

I’ve been introduced to a site and brand called “Black Milk” informally through a blog and am obsessing over a dress and top they carry. They’re made of velvet, they’re in the dark tones… Beautiful!

This dress is $120

This top is $70

To me, these items can be worn in the fall as well because there is a gothic feel to them which just screams HALLOWEEN, leaves crumbling etc… SO let’s call them transitional pieces. Great for October and November, wonderful for winter!


The following are from a site called NASTY GAL that is gaining popularity as we speak.

Teal velvet pants that can easily replace or substitute jeans in an outfit and add a fashionable touch to it at the same time!

Garcelle Cutout Wedge – Wine velvet. Platform shoes are great with many dresses and seeing how these are velvet ones, they’re all the more pretty. They’re dark, fashionable and go with a lot… what more could you ask for?!

Basically, I need to go out there and get me some velvet… AND SO DO YOU!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Photo credits:










Hello everyone,

Things have been crazy, again. I’ve been battling a big case of pneumonia, visiting the hospital, bringing down fever, sleeping… THE BASICS. That’s my reasoning for not having written anything recently. Anyway, today’s post shall be about birthdays because I can’t stop thinking about my own! My special day is in approximately 73 days. Say what you want about them, I love ’em! Who’s with me?

Some believe birthdays are just plain stupid because a birthday is just the day you were born a certain amount of years ago. A reminder of how old you are.

Others, like myself, go along with the traditions and celebrate being alive an extra year with friends, family and food.

I always go the extra mile and build up a great amount of hype around birthdays, not just my own, other people’s as well. Why not use the occasion to make someone feel special and remembered?

What’s this all to say? Don’t try going against birthdays because you believe they’re trivial and petty. People like being celebrated on a day that they feel is unique to them. Don’t go against the grain and make fun of the festivities, the birthday subject just wants to create a memory that will carry them through the year and their entire life.

Well, I’m resting with tea and T.V. but I can’t help my mind from straying into dresses to wear at my party and presents to ask for. Oh the stresses of wishes and dresses! Don’t mind the fail attempt at a rhyme 😦

Anyway, don’t knock the birthday, it’s there to help you add some sparkle and joy to your life!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Jean-Paul Gaultier


I haven’t posted for a while.. it has been crazy busy! Therefore, I’m going to make up for it with this super special, “Jean-Paul Gaultier Exhibition Coverage” post.

It might be less realistic in this photo, but upon walking into the exhibition, I was greeted by models. They were talking, blinking models. It took a bit to realize that they were projections. These “models” appeared quite often throughout the whole thing, however, the pictures I posted below happen to be some of few faceless models. Anyway, It was such a creative idea!

This was one of my favorite sections! These ensembles were meant to portray different elements of the human body using fashion… I LOVED IT!

I put these pictures of J-P G’s dresses in here to give a small taste of his provocative feminine designs.

A lot of the pieces there played with the feminine and masculine features of clothing.

Some may look at this and think “… okay??” but it’s a very COOL creation. Mr. Gaultier made a woman covered head to toe in a suit seem beyond elegant and glamorous.

The details on each garment were absolutely fabulous. Also, the headpiece the model on the right is wearing reappeared a few times.

There’s the headpiece again!

The details are to die for! The 3D-esque motifs on the skirt and dress are great.

According to Jean-Paul Gaultier, capturing different cultures in his clothing is something he enjoys doing.

The last photos are of 1. a personal favorite ensemble I encountered at the exhibition and 2. a part of the ever-so inspirational wall of original sketches by J-P G!

I hope this post can give everyone  a taste of what it was like walking through the museum and being mesmerized by all of these works of art. I know it seems like a lot of photos, but there were MUCH MUCH MUCH more elements that went into this exposition.

Get inspired!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.






One Thing Can Affect EVERYTHING

Most people don’t realize how they’re affecting someone when they act upon their immediate feelings towards that person (this can be meant in a good and bad way).

Sometimes hurtful words, looks or thoughts coming towards you from others make you completely sad and or angry. Maybe the people sending these negative vibes have no idea you’re aware of their rants against you and can’t see what’s happening clearly. This is always a bad situation because you’re discouraged while your peers don’t even realize what’s wrong. To top it all off with a rotten cherry, your “okay day” turned into a horrible one because of one petty moment that hurt your feelings.

Other times, you may run into a delightful, complete stranger and start a conversation that puts you in a great mood and sends you off skipping down the street. This happened to me today and I thank this random person for walking into my life and making my “okay day” a surprisingly good one! It’s funny how these things happen, really, it is. I’ve only seen this person once, don’t remember their name, don’t plan on seeing this person again, and yet am very excited to have had this marvelous interaction with someone who will most probably never affect my life again.

Basically, humans can be having the greatest time of their lives one second, then crying in the next. THAT IS LIFE. It’s not abnormal, it’s not being moody, it’s the way we work. We seek people’s opinions and approvals for self-reassurance, and then are heavily influenced by the results. One single thing coming from another being can either make you or break you. Don’t worry about having those low moments; they will leave quickly to make room for perfect moments just as quick as they came.

We’ve seen the sun and we’ve seen the rain, many times at that. Don’t dwell on the sun setting and the rain pouring down. You can use an umbrella and wake up the next morning to a cloudless, sunny day 🙂

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.


Kid Movies

You know when you’re at that age where you don’t even see kid movies for fun anymore? That’s my case. Until tonight, on Netflix, for no apparent reason. It was a lot better than I thought it could ever be and it reminded me too much of my life when I was the age they were portraying. Just when I thought these kinds of movies couldn’t teach me anything anymore…

I guess it was just weird to think: “THAT EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME TOO!” while I was watching this younger movie, because movies these days are SO hard to relate to. When you’re around the age this movie was intended for, you sometimes think that what you go through and do in your life is unique to you, and no one else feels the same way. That’s not always true (which I found out upon watching this film unfold)!

On a side note, not only did I realize, in watching this movie, that almost everyone has had to deal with the same things at one point or another, but that I personally think about the past way too much. Many people out there do as well. They over think and over analyze everything and it’s not a good feeling regretting petty moments that aren’t even worth remembering anymore. Some things are serious, one just shouldn’t take them too seriously. Don’t go through life not caring, but don’t over think or criticize things to make them “better” either.

Man, I hope this wasn’t confusing…

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Fall 2011


, ,

It’s always around this time of year that I start getting sad that summer has passed by and weird, inconsistent temperatures have stricken. Is it cold, is it hot… what should I wear? Quite depressing, isn’t it? Don’t let your spirits drop too far down, this is the perfect time to reach into your dusty closet and pull out the jackets that once gave you joy. It’s also the perfect time to start browsing for the next season which is starting.. This month!

Since Mother Nature is having mood swings galore, unleash a trench coat out onto the scene, slap on your faux leather jacket… be stylish and toasty, no matter what the weather! Who says a hoodie is all you can pull of when you’re uncertain of the outside temperatures?

You can buy affordable items for Fall anywhere.. But here are some runway pics to inspire your mood to shop!

Here’s a beautiful, versatile Helmut Lang leather jacket!

This crisp Martin + Osa navy peacoat is a great inspiration for Autumn 🙂

Finally… a standout double-breasted coat by DKNY. Loving the red!

I leave you with these words: It doesn’t matter where you buy your Fall fashions, a good jacket is a good jacket and style is style! If you want to check out some cool raincoats as well, is great! SO, Get inspired, get into action, look through your closet or go shopping!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Photo Credits: