Has anyone heard of Tarte Cosmetics? It’s a relatively new company whose founder was set on creating a line of easy to use and natural makeup. Their mission is to enhance one’s beauty while hydrating and not caking it with disastrous ingredients.

I’m always skeptical when I hear “easy to use” from a makeup company. Why? Because maybe it’s easy to use for THEM but not me, maybe it’s just a ploy, you never know! However, when I was offered a free lip stain and a free cheek stain through camp, I was almost drawn to the products and didn’t hesitate to try them.

The verdict? Finally! A blush that is so easy to use and actually works to define my cheekbones instead of creating a powdery mess. Not only does it do that, but does it ACTUALLY moisturize my skin and leaves it feeling soft! The lip stain is also beyond words, might I say. It is moisturizing as well, and makes my lips look spectacular! In fact, both of these products are naturally scented AND the company doesn’t test on animals.

I am basically in love with Tarte Cosmetics and I want everyone else out there who are skeptics to give them a try!

Love, Fashion and Life,

Willow Loves Jade

© Arielle Supino and WillowLovesJade, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may not be used either.

Photo credits:

cheek stain photo from: MythBusterBeauty.com

lip stain photo from: stylefind.com